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Ageing & Dementia

Theme leads

Dr Steve Lim smiling

Stephen Lim

Theme lead

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Dr Kinda Ibrahim 

Deputy theme lead

Ageing and Dementia theme webinar

Next theme meeting:

Research projects

Developing Pathways for older adults who are also drinking at increased-risk levels
Older adults Alcohol Pathway (OAP)

COMPLETED ADOPTED PROJECT: Neuro LTC: Assessing Baseline Factors, Critical Events and Fatigue in Long Term Neurological Conditions

EnTech (Enabling Technology): Investigating the enabling and inhibiting factors to the use of internet-based support tools for caregivers of people with dementia, and how to promote engagement.

The feasibility and acceptability of a collaborative deprescribing intervention to reduce anticholinergic burden among hospitalised older patients. Digital Anticholinergic Reduction Tool (DART)

Understanding the Networks, Effects and Teams involved in Community Alternatives to ACute Hospitalisation for Older People in Hampshire and Isle of Wight Region – CAtCH-NET

ADOPTED: Mobility assessments in hospitalised older adults: study protocol for an e-survey of UK healthcare professionals

ADOPTED: An observational longitudinal cohort study to investigate Cortical Disarray Measurement in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s disease (CONGA)

ADOPTED: (SIFT) Sensors in Fatigue Tracking in Parkinson’s. Exploring the relationship between perception of Fatigue and the performance of physical activities in people with Parkinson's with fatigue using wearable sensors

COMPLETED: Development, evaluation and provision of an intervention for primary and community NHS staff to help carers and homecare workers supporting people living at home with dementia with their continence.

ADOPTED: FLOWS Planning for Frailty: Optimal Health and Social Care Workforce Organisation Using
Demand-led Simulation Modelling

PIVOT: Promoting Increased physical actiVity in hospitalised Older adults with Trained volunteers

ADOPTED: SPLENDID Social Prescribing for people to Live ENjoyably with Dementia/memory
problems In Daily life

ADOPTED: Community Alternatives to aCute Hospitalisation for Older People who have Fallen (CAtCH-Falls)

COMPLETED: Wessex Frail2Fit – A feasibility and acceptability study of a virtual multi-modal intervention delivered by volunteers to improve functional outcomes of older adults with COVID-19 discharged from hospital

COMPLETED: Developing training for person-centred care: adapting the Chat & Plan for use in domiciliary care

COMPLETED ADOPTED PROJECT: Geospatial mapping of emergency calls from older adults to ambulance services in the South Central region, with a focus on people living with dementia: a feasibility study.

COMPLETED: Understanding psychosocial determinants of alcohol use disorder (AUD) in older adults: exploring the role of social networks and loneliness in living with AUD (OLA study 2).

ADOPTED: Optimising Outpatients: Effective service transformation through face-to-face, remote and digital care delivery.

COMPLETED: Development of a structured deprescribing intervention for people with dementia or mild cognitive impairment in primary care (STOP-DEM)

COMPLETED: Development, evaluation and provision of an intervention for primary and community NHS staff to help carers and homecare workers supporting people living at home with dementia with their continence.

ADOPTED: Incidental Interaction: Novel Technology to Support Elders-as-Athletes through Augmenting Everyday Interactions

Wessex NHS Insights Prioritisation Programme Project (NIPP)

COMPLETED ADOPTED: Investigating Quality of Care for People with Dementia Undergoing Cancer Treatment in Ambulatory Care (ImPaCT)

COMPLETED: Creating Learning Environments for Compassionate Care (CLECC) in mental health settings: an implementation study

COMPLETED: Promoting person-centred care using the CHAT&PLAN conversation guide

COMPLETED: INVOLVing pEople with cognitive impaiRment in decisions about their hospital nursing care (INVOLVER): a pilot study

COMPLETED: Neuro Digital: From Attitudes to Strategies

COMPLETED: Neuro Online (Formerly From Clinic to E-Clinic): Evaluating the Implementation of the My Medical Record Platform in Young-Onset Dementia and Huntington’s Disease.

COMPLETED: IDA: Implementing a Digital physical Activity intervention for older adults

COMPLETED: The ImPACt study - Improving physical activity of older people in the community

CLECC Toolkit and background: Creating Learning Environments for Compassionate Care (CLECC)

COMPLETED: StOP UTI project: Strategies in older people's care settings to prevent infection

COMPLETED: Understanding the psychosocial needs and trajectories of older adults (>64 years) with alcohol use disorder (AUD) from hospital back into community

The PD Life Study: Exploring the treatment burden and capacity of people with Parkinson’s and their caregivers

DIALOR: DIgitAL cOaching for fRailty (DIALOR)

COMPLETED: Material Citizenship Framework Project

Comforting Hands


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