Healthy Ageing, Dementia and Frailty
National Priority Research Programme
The research is focused on the health challenges facing our growing older population. The projects are as much about staying well and supporting people as finding better ways to care for and treat people with the many multi-morbidities that can develop in later life.
Read about how Pat and Julia got involved in this impressive national research programme

Falls among older adults in the UK are a major public health concern, with approximately one- third of people aged 65 and over experiencing a fall each year. Falls can result in severe injuries and contribute to increased health and social care costs, as well as disability and premature death. Despite strong evidence for falls prevention programmes, implementation across England remains inconsistent and fragmented.
Linked to FLEXI project
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Our research projects
WHELD: Training care home staff to improve well-being and mental health of dementia residents led by NIHR ARC Peninsula and working with NIHR ARC South London, NIHR ARC East Midlands, NIHR ARC East of England, NIHR ARC North East North Cumbria, NIHR ARC North West Coast and NIHR ARC Yorkshire and Humber
Who is participating?