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Accessibility is about making sure that things can be accessed and used by as many people as possible. This includes people with impaired vision, motor difficulties, cognitive impairments, learning disabilities and deafness or impaired hearing. 



The ARC Public Involvement Forum - this is our strategic PPIEP group. It is composed of Theme Public Advisors, the PPIEP team and staff links for each research theme. 

ARC funded or ARC supported studies

Our research may be directly financed by our ARC ('ARC funded') or we may provide support, such as by providing staff resource ('ARC supported').

ARC or Applied Research Collaboration 

ARCs support applied health and care research that responds to, and meets, the needs of local populations and local health and care systems. They are funded by the NIHR. There are 15 funded across England. 

ARC Partnership Board

This is a decision-making body for ARC Wessex. It meets quarterly to set priorities and directly contribute to, support delivery and monitor performance of our programme. The board membership has two public representatives.

BRC or Biomedical Research Centre

BRCs bring together academics and clinicians to translate lab-based scientific breakthroughs into potential new treatments, diagnostics and medical technologies. There are 20 NIHR funded BRCs in England. Our Strategic Lead for PPI/E also leads PPI for the Southampton BRC. Our researchers also work closely with staff in the BRC.

CCF or Clinical Commissioning Facility 

They manage and administer the ARC funding scheme. We report to them annually and will have to report our progress against this strategy. 

CLAHRC or Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care

This is the term for the organisations which preceded the ARCs. They were also funded by the NIHR and had a similar function. This funding scheme closed in Sept 2019 when the ARC scheme succeeded them.

Communications and Partnership Manager

This role has responsibility for shaping and delivering our communications, and supporting productive relationships across our partners. This post is currently filled by Jamie Stevenson. 

CRF or Clinical Research Facility 

CRFs are purpose built facilities in NHS hospitals where researchers can deliver early-phase and complex studies. There are 22 NIHR funded CRFs in England. Our Strategic Lead for PPI/E also leads PPI for the Southampton CRF.



Where information and knowledge is provided and shared with the public. 

Equality impact assessments 

The equality impact assessment is a systematic and evidence-based tool, which enables us to consider the likely impact of work on different groups of people. They help ensure that activities do not discriminate against anyone and that, where possible, we promote equality of opportunity. 

Executive Leadership Group

This group operationalises strategy, policy and the research programme. The group is led by the ARC Director; the Strategic Lead for PPI/E and Communications and the Partnership Manager are members.


Fellowships are a type of research funding which are awarded to individuals. For example, a fellowship may enable a person to complete the next stage of their academic career training. 

Higher Education Institutes

This term describes any institution that provides education post-secondary education level, for example Universities. 



This guidance provides a suggested framework of questions to guide the deliberations of funders, researchers and delivery teams as they design and assess clinical research proposals to improve inclusion of under-served groups in clinical research. Read more.



INVOLVE was a national coordinating centre for public involvement in health and care. It was funded by the National Institute for Health Research between 1996-2020. A new Centre for Engagement and Dissemination aims to build on the work of INVOLVE. 



A unique, state-of-the-art teaching laboratory dedicated to improving adolescent health by giving school students opportunities to learn first-hand the science behind the health messages.

Logic modelling and theory of change 

A theory of change is a description of why a particular way of working will be effective, showing how change happens in the short, medium and long term to achieve its intended impact. Logic models are a way to graphically represent this theory. Our Strategic Lead for PPI/E supervises a PhD student who has developed a PPI/E planning and impact tool, underpinned by the theory of change and a logic model. We aim to use this to capture impacts of the ARC PPI/E programme.

Manager for PPI/E 

This role has responsibility for shaping and delivering our PPI/E strategy. They also lead PPI/E for other NIHR organisations. The post is currently filled by Annemarie Henkinson. 

Microsoft Accessibility Checker

A free tool available in Office 365. It finds most accessibility issues and explains why each might be a potential problem for someone with a disability. It also offers suggestions on how to resolve each issue. Read more.

NHS providers 

This term describes any organisation that provides NHS services. This includes hospitals, community trusts, GP services, pharmacies and clinical commissioning groups. 

NIHR or National Institute for Health and Care Research

The National Institute for Health Research is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care. It funds health and care research, providing the people, facilities and technology for research to thrive.

Patient and public involvement

Research carried out ‘with’ or ‘by’ members of the public rather than ‘to’, ‘about’ or ‘for’ them. Members of the public can be involved at all stages of a research project and across all levels of research organisations. 

PhD award

A PhD award is a research award which supports an individual to study for their doctorate.

PPI Champions

Our PPI Champions are members of the public. They have a strategic role in our organisation. This includes working closely with the leadership of one of our research themes and with our PPI/E team. We try to have two PPI Champions per research theme.


PPI Officer 

Our PPI Officer is a member of staff dedicated to supporting good PPI/EP. 



An acronym for patient and public involvement engagement and participation. Used to describe work and projects which connect or encompass both activities.

Population risk stratification and intervention to prevent childhood obesity

This project aims to test the feasibility and acceptability of a childhood obesity prediction tool and online platform for health visitors to use when supporting families to lead healthier life styles. The involvement work will focus on working with the underserved, such as those from deprived or ethnic minority groups, who are most at risk of childhood obesity.

Principal Investigator

In studies or trials, this term is often used to describe the person who holds the research grant. They are the lead researcher for the project,

Public Engagement in Research Unit

This unit exists to inspire and support high quality public engagement with research across all disciplines at the University of Southampton. 

Public Policy Unit

This unit, at the University of Southampton, helps researchers connect with policymakers to better support evidence-based policymaking.

Socio economic status

This term describes an individual's or family's economic and social position. It is a predictor of outcomes across the life span. 


Staff links

Each theme has a nominated PPI/E staff link. This is a member of their research team. They are members of our strategic PPI/E group, APIF. 

Sure Start

Sure Start is a government area-based initiative that was founded with the aim of 'giving children the best possible start in life' through improvement of childcare, early education, health and family support. 

Theme Public Advisors

OurTheme Public Advisors are members of the public. They have a strategic role in our organisation. This includes working closely with the leadership of one of our research themes and with our PPIEP team. We try to have twoTheme Public Advisors per research theme.


Our PPIOfficer is a member of staff dedicated to supporting good PPIEP.

Training Needs Analysis

This is a process to determine all the training that needs to be completed (and when) to allow someone to complete their job as effectively as possible, as well as progress and grow.

UK Standards for Public Involvement 

The standards are a framework for what good public involvement in research looks like. They provide clear, concise statements of effective public involvement against which improvement can be assessed. They were developed as a partnership of organisations across the UK, including the NIHR.


Underserved is the term we have chosen to use to describe people who are less well included in research. We prefer this term because it highlights that the research community needs to provide a better service for these individuals. 


Wessex is the region covering Dorset, Hampshire, the Isle of Wight and South Wiltshire.

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