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Healthy Communities

Theme leads

Professor Nisreen Alwan

Professor Nisreen Alwan

Theme lead

Dianna Smith

Professor Dianna Smith

Deputy theme lead

Healthy Communities Theme

The health of people across our communities faces a number of challenges from the start of someone’s life until the end – our research teams are addressing inequalities, diet, domestic violence and a wide range of issues that touch on everyone’s lives in particular those in more vulnerable and underserved populations.  

Next theme meeting:

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Research projects

COMPLETED ADOPTED PROJECT: Evaluating the Operation Encompass Scheme: A Qualitative Scoping Study

ADOPTED: IneQUIty in end of life care for children: Investigating experiences and families’ Needs
after sudden and unexpecTEd deaTh in children and young people – the QUINTET study

Determining the effectiveness and outcomes of innovative interventions for people who have used stalking behaviours: An extension of the exploration of the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Multi-Agency Stalking Partnership (MASP)

A qualitative case study to understand Young people’s food purchasing patterns in CONvenience stores in the school neighbourhood environment (Y-CON)

ENRICHER-C: Involvement in the criminal justice system & the impact on women's health in Dorset & Hampshire – Community comparison

Developing a core cohort of community researchers in Wessex: towards a sustainable Wessex Community of Practice for public health research co-production

COMPLETED: WADE. Women and Desistence Engagement : An evaluation of a community-based, conditional caution pilot programme for women in the criminal justice system

COMPLETED: Motivating and sustaining engagement of young people in improving their health and that of their communities

COMPLETED SOCIAL CARE: Building Bridges: Elevating Research Culture in Social Care through Collaboration, Qualitative Insight and Relationship-Driven Impact

ADOPTED: Investigating the impact of food vouchers on diet composition and the prevention of childhood obesity

ADOPTED: Community pharmacy alcohol-related liver disease risk identification and
linkage to care through development of a complex intervention (CIP-LINC)

ADOPTED: Evaluation & Exploration of Multi-Agency Stalking Partnership Interventions

Qualitative Data Preservation and Sharing (Q-DaPS)

SOCIAL CARE: Evaluation of Southampton City Council’s Male Engagement Worker (MEW) Project

ADOPTED: Exploratory research to examine the health impact of scams and fraud and the current
knowledge and systems in the police and partner agencies for targeting and delivering victim support

COMPLETED: Co-POWeR - Consortium on Practices of Wellbeing and Resilience in BAME Families and Communities

COMPLETED: Testing the effects of food product placement on customers’ visual attention and intended product purchases: a randomised trial in a virtual supermarket setting (Phase II)

COMPLETED: Symptoms, Trajectory, Inequalities and Management: Understanding Long-COVID to Address and Transform Existing Integrated Care Pathways (STIMULATE)

ADOPTED: Mapping pathways of response for adult and child victim-survivors of domestic abuse in Southampton City

ENRICHER – involvEment iN the cRiminal justice system & the ImpaCt on women’s Health dorsEt & hampshiRe

CHAMPION: Children whose mothers are involved in the criminal justice system in Dorset & Hampshire: developing health and social care outcome indicators

COMPLETED: How to Support children with cancer, or another serious condition, and their parents during the COVID-19 outbreak

COMPLETED: Developing a web resource to support families bereaved during COVID-19

COMPLETED SOCIAL CARE: Local Authority Adult Social Care Recruitment and Retention research project

COMPLETED: Mental health Burden of Increased Living costs: Local Support (My BILLS)

ADOPTED: Young people’s barriers to mental health services

POST DOCTORAL PROJECT: Early detection of chronic liver disease in community settings

ADOPTED PROJECT: Comparing pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): systematic review and network meta-analysis

COMPLETED ADOPTED PROJECT: ADAPT: The cross-sector implementation of NICE-recommended CBT-based interventions for young people in care: Framework

ADOPTED PROJECT: DIGNIFIE Gender-seNsitive evaluatIon oF a prIson alternativE

ADOPTED PROJECT: High Harm Domestic Violence Perpetrator Pilot Evaluation

ADOPTED PROJECT: The Gateway Study a randomised controlled trial, economic and qualitative evaluation to examine the effectiveness of an out-of-court community-based Gateway intervention programme aimed at improving health and well-being for young adult offenders; victim satisfaction and reducing recidivism

COMPLETED: Social network facilitated engagement in people who are Homeless to address InEqualities in alcohol related Liver Disease - The SHIELD feasibility study

A national evaluation of Project Cautioning And Relationship Abuse (‘CARA’) awareness raising workshops for first time offenders of domestic violence and abuse

COMPLETED: Wessex DIET: Determining the Impact of covid-19 on food sEcurity in young families and Testing interventions

COMPLETED: Domestic Abuse and Life-Limiting Illness: identifying and supporting adults at risk (DALLI Study)

Prevention schemes for female vicitms and offenders in Hampshire and Dorset

COMPLETED: GOODNIGHT Covid-19 to care-home-based vulnerable individuals

The feasibility of community pharmacies testing for Hepatitis C in people who inject image and performance enhancing drugs

COMPLETED: Testing the effects of food product placement on customers’ visual attention and intended product purchases: a randomised trial in a virtual supermarket setting (Phase I)

COMPLETED: The Wessex FRIEND Toolbox (Family Risk IdEntificatioN and Decision)

Young Volunteers

Read our publications here


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