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Long Term Conditions

Theme leads

Mari-carmen portillo

Professor Mari-Carmen Portillo

Theme lead

Long Term Conditions Theme

To promote better living with and management of long-term conditions we need care plans that make sense to people and respond to individual needs. We aim to listen to and learn from people's experiences, explore resources in the community and work in teams that represent different lay people, sectors and professionals.

Research projects

Social Prescribing Link Workers framework: supporting complex needs of adults living with physical and mental health long term conditions

Evaluating impact of personalised care at service at service and system levels: Learning from the Wessex Academy for Skills in Personalised Care (WASP) programme.

Understanding barriers and enablers of using the Living with Long Term Conditions scale as part of routine care for people from under-served groups living with type 2 diabetes

PARTNERS II: Testing implementation and evaluation of a digital tool for multisectoral support and management of people living with Parkinson’s disease and/or arthritis.

Avoiding care escalations through targeted care coordination for people with multiple long-term conditions – a knowledge mobilisation project

Deprescribing and Optimisation of Medicines IN Older people with Heart Failure and Frailty (DOMINO-HFF)

COMPLETED: Change in treatment burden among people with multimorbidity: Protocol of a follow up survey and development of efficient measurement tools for primary care

ADOPTED: Treatment burden in people below the age of 65 with multimorbidity in primary care: A
mixed methods (SPELL)

ADOPTED: (SIFT) Sensors in Fatigue Tracking in Parkinson’s. Exploring the relationship between perception of Fatigue and the performance of physical activities in people with Parkinson's with fatigue using wearable sensors

Reframing responsibility through public empowerment: proposing the ‘FoodEnviroScan’ app to unmask unfair environmental cues influencing poor diets

COMPLETED: Non-digital support for maintaining physical activity in people with long-term conditions – within Maintenance Of physical acTivity beHaviour (MOTH) programme

COMPLETED: Digital support for maintaining physical activity in people with long-term conditions

COMPLETED: Development of policy recommendations to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on physical activity and mental health in individuals with multimorbidity: a mixed method study.

ADOPTED PROJECT: Understanding risk stratification of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in primary care

ADOPTED PROJECT: Development of a decision aid for offloading device selection for people with diabetic foot ulceration

ADOPTED PROJECT: Breast Cancer Choices: Evaluation and implementation of a digital patient-centred decision aid to support genetic testing in mainstream care.

ADOPTED PROJECT: Multidisciplinary Ecosystem to study Lifecourse Determinants and Prevention of Early-onset Burdensome Multimorbidity (MELD-B)


POST DOCTORAL PROJECT: Understanding, addressing, and meeting the complex needs of people living with long term physical and mental health conditions: a qualitative study

COMPLETED: Testing the living with chronic illness scale

COMPLETED: Medicines optimisation

Interventions to support physical activity for adults (MOTH)

MODIFY: The development and iMplementation Of a multidisciplinary medication review and Deprescribing Intervention among Frail older people in primarY care

COMPLETED: PARTNERS Project: Development and implementation of a digital tool for multisectoral support and management of long-term condition

ADOPTED PROJECT: EnablExercise in Crohns: A qualitativE study to uNderstAnd the Barriers and faciLitators to physical activity and Exercise IN children and adolescents with CROHN’S disease

ADOPTED PROJECT: ExACT-CF: Exercise as an Airway Clearance Technique in people with Cystic Fibrosis – A randomised pilot trial


COMPLETED: OPTIM Park - Optimization of community resources and systems of support to enhance the process of living with Parkinson’s Disease: a multisectoral intervention

Improving support for self-management (WASP)

Mental health hub projects

Understanding, addressing, and meeting the complex needs of people living with long term physical and mental health conditions: a qualitative study

Role of patient-assessed functioning as a predictor of health service use in patients with long term mental health conditions 

Doctor Examining CT Scan

Read our publications here


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