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ARC Wessex update - Spring 2024


More funding takes us further

At the start of the year ARC Wessex was able to announce extended funding from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR)

In January we were able to reveal the NIHR has granted us another £3 million to extend the work of ARC Wessex until end of March 2026. This has allowed each theme to develop new project proposals to take forward over the next 18 months. 

The National Priority Programme on Ageing, Dementia and Frailty has been awarded £800,000 to extend its collaborative work across 10 ARCs, and a further £40,000 for research with Health Innovation Wessex to look at successful ways of reducing falls.

In addition, we have secured more funding for the National DEM-COMM dementia research cohort of 60 researchers - coordinated by ARC Wessex. Just this last month the Alzheimer's Society, that part funds the DEM-COMM initiative, granted another £370,000 to support projects put forward by teams of DEM-COMM researchers. Dr Nuno Tavares will be working on a £240,000 project with the University of Oxford looking at how AI can be used to flag up inappropriate medications for people with dementia and help with deprescribing. Dr Pippa Collins is collaborating on a project looking at how to reduce inequalities in dementia care and improve support.

There is also more funding of £260,000 to extend our work with local authorities on social care and we have applied for further funding for the Mental Health Research Hub to extend and expand its work.

Implementation lead and Deputy ARC Director appointed

Philippa Darnton has joined ARC Wessex as Implementation lead in a joint role with Health Innovation Wessex as Director of Insight – Read more

Professor Catherine Bowen the ARC Academic Career Development lead has been selected as Deputy Director for ARC Wessex. Cathy has been working on what the next ARC Wessex might look like and developing Patient and Public Involvement and our Social Care research.

Long Covid Online-tool launches

A website to support people living with Long Covid was launched in March on Long Covid Awareness Day by a research team led by Professor Nisreen Alwan who has first-hand experience of the condition.


The online tool offers a symptom checker, advice on seeking support, and encourages people to talk about their symptoms with professionals, friends and family. You can read more about the teams work here


Is it cost-effective to deploy more nurses on hospital wards?

A new Evidence Brief produced by the ARC Wessex workforce team has examined research on qualified nursing numbers and patient outcomes in over five thousand hospitals world-wide. The analysis and conclusions can be read here.


How to safely deprescribe in Primary Care

Work by Dr Eloise Radcliffe, Associate Professor Kinda Ibrahim and others has been highlighted by NIHR Evidence. 1 in 3 people aged 65 and older take 5 or more medicines every day (polypharmacy). Some of these drugs may no longer be appropriate. They could increase the risk of falls, hospital admission, or even death, especially among people who are frail. You can read more about the work here

The analysis is part of a wider project which aims to develop a multidisciplinary deprescribing intervention in primary care for older people (the MODIFY study). This is being tested in Wessex GP practices.


Collaborating for impact – ARC Wessex back at the Bowl

We look forward to welcoming you all back to the home of Hampshire Cricket – the Utilita Bowl on June 5, 2024. We will be showcasing how our research is improving our communities’ health and care. There will be plenty of opportunities to get involved with discussion and connect with others. More details


Wondering how to refer to ARC support

Ever need a poster template, help with wording for acknowledging ARC support and/or funding a publication or presentation.? Then we have a page on the website for that. You can also find the latest video recordings of seminars. Here’s the page. Or search the website for ‘reports-toolkits-support’


Get social

We have grown our social media channels, to adapt to some of the changes at Twitter/X. We are still there but using our Facebook and LinkedIn pages more – so please follow us. We also have Instagram and Threads accounts. Find out the links here


See pictures from the ARC and BRC supported SOAR (Southampton Academy of Academic Research) Spring School event here

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