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Policy brief outlines how exercise can cut falls in older people

Statistic showing Falls cost the health and care system £4.4 Billion a year (white writing blue background)

Falls among older adults in the UK are a major public health concern, with approximately one- third of people aged 65 and over experiencing a fall each year. Falls can result in severe injuries and contribute to increased health and social care costs, as well as disability and premature death. Despite strong evidence for falls prevention programmes, implementation across England remains inconsistent and fragmented.

A policy brief - Strengthening Community-Based Falls Prevention in England - has been created to present recommendations for policymakers, commissioners and community leaders to support the commissioning, implementation and public understanding of effective falls prevention.

It outlines key recommendations to scale effective programmes and improve workforce capacity to ensure their sustainability.

This large scale project has only been made possible by the Applied Research Collaborations in Wessex, South West Peninsula, East Midlands and Manchester, along the Universities of Southampton, Exeter, Nottingham and Manchester. They have worked with Health Innovation Wessex, patients and the public and the public Policy unit at the University of Southampton to create the briefing.

"Exercise can reduce falls by 23% and a comprehensive assessment and action plan can reduce falls in care homes by 43%"

You can download the briefing here or read it below


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