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ADOPTED: Mobility assessments in hospitalised older adults: study protocol for an e-survey of UK healthcare professionals

PhD Candidate: Catherine Wharfe University of Portsmouth;

Team: Maria Perissiou University of Portsmouth; Zoe Saynor University of Portsmouth; Jim Briggs University of Portsmouth; Carolina Gonçalves University of Portsmouth & University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust

Start: 1/11/2023

Ends: 1/05/2025


Hospitalisation in acute care poses a significant risk of adverse outcomes in older adults, including loss of functional independence, disability, and death. Research carried out in hospitalised older adults suggests functional mobility tools or scales can predict adverse events and care needs in this population, which facilitates prompt escalation of care and discharge planning procedures. As such, a need to develop a standardised methodology for assessing or measuring mobility has been recognised. However, the degree to which standardised mobility tools are routinely used, how data is collected, and/or which clinical assessment processes are utilised in hospitals across the UK is currently lacking.

The aim of this national survey is to identify the current practice of mobility assessment in older adults admitted to NHS Trusts and Private Health Organisations, with a view to informing further research on a standardised approach or best practice guidelines to assessing or measuring mobility in hospitalised older adults.

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