COMPLETED: Promoting person-centred care using the CHAT&PLAN conversation guide
Promoting person-centred care using the CHAT&PLANTMconversation guide
Project leads: Professor Jackie Bridges (Professor of Older People's Care, School of Health Sciences, University of Southampton), Dr Teresa Corbett (Lecturer, Solent University)
Team members: Professor Jackie Bridges (Professor of Older People's Care, School of Health Sciences, University of Southampton), Dr Teresa Corbett (Lecturer, Solent University), Professor Alison Richardson (School of Health Sciences, University of Southampton), Dr Jane Winter (Macmillan Consultant Colorectal Nurse, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust),
Start: 1 October 2019Ends: 30 April 2022
Project Partners: University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, Bournemouth University, Macmillan Cancer Support
Lay summaryThe aim of this Wessex ARC project is to share a conversation guide we have developed through our research. The guide helps health and social care staff talk to older adults who have lots of different conditions. The guide has 8 steps that should be followed in a meeting with people about their needs and personal goals. We call the guide “CHAT&PLAN” and we’d like to make sure that people working in health and social care know about it and use it in their work. This website leads to resources to support people to use CHAT&PLAN in their work.
We have a new project underway with the Wessex Cancer Alliance that tests out some new ways of supporting people with cancer, including the CHAT&PLAN.
Corbett, T., Cummings, A., Lee, K., Calman, L., Fenerty, V., Farrington, N., Lewis, L., Young, A., Boddington, H., Wiseman, T., Richardson, A., Foster, C., Bridges, J. (2020). Planning and optimising CHAT&PLAN: a conversation-based intervention to promote person-centred care for older people living with multimorbidity. PLOS One.
The following people were involved in the research behind the CHAT&PLAN:
Dr Hilary Boddington, Professor Jackie Bridges, Dr Lynn Calman, Dr Teresa Corbett, Dr Amanda Cummings, Dr Naomi Farrington, Vicky Fenerty, Professor Claire Foster, Dr Kellyn Lee, Lucy Lewis, Professor Alison Richardson, Dr Jane Winter, Professor Theresa Wiseman, Alexandra Young