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Role of patient-assessed functioning as a predictor of health service use in patients with long term mental health conditions

Lead applicants: Prof David Baldwin, Prof Mari Carmen Portillo

Co-applicants: Dr Leire Ambrosio, Dr Bethan Impey

Project Summary:

Treatments for patients with long term medical conditions are often disappointing in their effectiveness and acceptability in clinical practice. This is perhaps because they tend to be targeted at reducing troublesome symptoms rather than directed at improving everyday functioning.

We have previously shown that self-assessed functioning (using a self-report scale known as the PARADISE-24) was a better predictor of health service use than is anxiety and depressive symptom severity, among a group of patients attending a Mood Disorders Service in Southampton. That research was undertaken with patients with a primary diagnosis of an anxiety or depressive disorder, and we are now interested in conducting a similar study of functioning in patients with other long-term health conditions in which anxiety and depressive symptoms are common, to understand if functioning will also be a useful predictor of health service use in these conditions.

Hearing function is not one of the measures included within PARADISE-24, however, hearing loss is associated with increased likelihood of anxiety and depression and increased use of health services and our PPIE representatives highlighted sensory function as an important measure. We will therefore also include a self-report measure of hearing difficulties as well as some further questions about hearing function to see whether they also are useful in predicting use of health services in our cohorts.

The long-term conditions we are going to study are gambling disorder, alcohol use disorder, ‘long-covid’ and hearing loss (those attending the University of Southampton Auditory Implant Service, USAIS). We have chosen these populations since anxiety and depression are common in all of them, and because these populations are available to us (large convenience samples). These groups would have a variety of functional symptoms: for example, memory problems might be more likely in those with alcohol use disorder, attention deficit might be common in those with gambling disorder, sleep and energy problems common in those rehabilitating after Covid-19, and independence might be relevant for those with hearing loss in later life (in addition to the hearing loss itself).

Participation in the research should not be too onerous for patients. Clinical diagnoses will be identified from the medical records, and participants will report the severity of anxiety and depressive symptoms and other symptoms associated with the condition and whether they have hearing difficulties and will report on their everyday functioning using the PARADISE-24 scale at Baseline. They will be followed-up twice (at three and six months after the Baseline assessment), with further queries relating to symptom severity and functioning. The use of health services will be ascertained by self-report and through inspection of electronic health records.

The findings from this study could influence clinical practice. It should help to better understand the burden of illness and could ascertain the relative importance of symptom severity and degree of functioning in predicting health service use by groups of patients with a range of long-term conditions. It could therefore result in more targeted delivery of health and social care interventions, to both improve the patient’s quality of life and reduce their need for health service use. It would also contribute to addressing the objectives of the National Institute of Health Research Applied Research Collaborative Mental Health Infrastructure programme.

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