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Web-based Implementation Toolkit (WIT)

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This Web-based Implementation Toolkit (WIT) is designed to be easy to use and intended for a variety of users, projects and settings where implementation is planned or being considered. Implementation is the attempt to introduce a new intervention, innovation or policy developed through research and apply it to health and/or social care and the third sector. WIT provides you with an interactive Implementation Wheel, Checklist and bite-size Webinars (average 10 minutes) to support you through your implementation journey.

Who is WIT for?
  • WIT recognises the need to provide freely available, accessible and simple to use tools that focus on key implementation considerations at the outset of a project.

  • WIT was co-produced through interactive workshops with health and social care professionals, third sector organisation professionals, academics and members of the public.

Anyone looking to understand more about or engage in implementation.

Why use WIT?
When to use WIT
  • From the beginning – when first considering and designing a project

  • Throughout all stages of your implementation journey and beyond

  • To guide you through implementation considerations for your project

There are six wheel domains to help you consider what is required for implementation. Click on a domain segment to find out more.

How to use WIT
  • Use the interactive Implementation Wheel, Checklist and bitesize Webinars to support you on your implementation journey and beyond.

  • The six Wheel domains can be used iteratively, and in no particular order.

  • The Checklist is downloadable and consists of the same domains as the Wheel. You can use this to complete with your team and check progress of your implementation journey.

  • The Webinars, approximately 10 minutes duration, provide sessions relating to the six Wheel and Checklist domains and also to an introduction to implementation and implementation theories and frameworks.

  • Hover on keywords to see definitions

  • Other words in bold represent key learning points

  • The Resources section provides suggestions for other resources you may find helpful.

Feedback via our short survey

If you fulfil the criteria on the attached poster, Researchers from the School of Health Sciences, University of Southampton/NIHR ARC Wessex would like you to test WIT by providing feedback via a short survey. Or alternatively scan the QR code. Thank you.

Contact us
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The development of WIT has been supported by the NHS Insight Prioritisation Programme (NIPP). The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of this website.

How to cite

Brooks, C.F., Lund, S., Kryl, D., and Myall M. (2023) Web-based Implementation Toolkit (WIT). University of Southampton. Available at:


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