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Workforce & Health Systems

Theme lead

michal boniface

Professor Michael Boniface

Theme lead

Deputy theme leads

Dr Dan Burns

Dr Dan Burns

Health Systems

Dr Chiara Dall Ora

Dr Chiara Dall'ora


Workforce & Health Systems Theme

We know that the health workforce are an asset and in short supply. As part of our ARC research we are planning a series of studies. We will look at the best ways for staff to work - for example where and when. We also want to improve conditions - in part by ensuring they have time to do the jobs we are asking them to do.

Cultivating a flow of pioneering ideas that offer the potential to transform people's lives and the economy using information technology is a motivating force that drives us. Our capacity to rapidly turn these ideas into benefits for partners through collaborative, applied research and innovation makes Southampton a truly exciting place to be.


Research projects

PROCED-DST: PROactive, Collaborative and Efficient complex Discharge – Decision Support Tool

FORTH – FORecasting Turbulence in Hospitals

Predicting nurse staffing requirements -validation and scoping extension study (PREDICT-NURSE validation and extension)

Identifying the knowledge gaps of paramedics managing patients with mental health issues

Wessex SNSDE Study (SETT Centre)

ADOPTED (PhD): PREPARE-to-ACT study: Preparing for and Responding to Emergencies – A multi-phased qualitative investigation of Patients’ And members of their RElational networks’ decisions to use urgent and emergency care during Anti-Cancer Treatment

PUNDIT – Predicting hospital Usage Numbers via a DIgital Twin

ADOPTED: A Study to Evaluate the Introduction of new Staffing Models in Intensive Care: a Realist evaluation (SEISMIC-R)

COMPLETED: PREDICT-NURSE – feasibility: Predicting Patient Acuity/Dependency-Based Workload from Routinely Collected Data to Assist with Nursing Staff Planning – feasibility study

ADOPTED: Nurture-U (Southampton): A longitudinal survey for student metal health and wellbeing

ADOPTED: FLOWS Planning for Frailty: Optimal Health and Social Care Workforce Organisation Using
Demand-led Simulation Modelling

ADOPTED: SORT-IT (Salisbury Operational Research Track – Improving Together)

Workforce Evaluation Toolkit project (WET)

ADOPTED: Social Prescribers In Deprescribing Role (SPiDeR)

ADOPTED: Improving patient safety, workforce wellbeing and NHS efficiency through improved shift patterns for nursing staff: study protocol

PARIEDA - Prediction of Acute Respiratory Infection outcomes prior to Emergency Department Attendance

COMPLETED ADOPTED PROJECT: Geospatial mapping of emergency calls from older adults to ambulance services in the South Central region, with a focus on people living with dementia: a feasibility study.

COMPLETED: Predicting Patient Deterioration Risks in COMMunities

ADOPTED PROJECT: Developing and testing a Patient Report Experience Measure for patients accessing Acute OnCology services: The PREMAC study

ADOPTED: Consequences, costs and cost-effectiveness of different workforce configurations in English acute hospitals: a longitudinal retrospective study using routinely collected data

COMPLETED POST DOCTORAL PROJECT: The career aspirations of nurses working in the research delivery workforce: a cross-sectional survey

ADOPTED PROJECT: Magnet4Europe: Improving mental health and wellbeing in the health care workplace

PROCED: PROactive, Collaborative and Efficient complex Discharge

Mental Health, Workforce and Well-being Research Framework - ARC Collaboration

COMPLETED: Safer Nursing Care Tool and nurse staffing requirements

COMPLETED: Shift Pattern Feasibility

COMPLETED: Improving community health care planning

CLECC Toolkit and background: Creating Learning Environments for Compassionate Care (CLECC)

COMPLETED: COVID-19 Emergency Department Project

Mental health hub projects

Work lives and Wellbeing of Mental Health Nursing Workforce

Development of a core outcome set for mental health nurse wellbeing: a Delphi study

Doctor and Patient

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